The Biggest Threat to the Future You Desire

Our dreams, the changes we want to make for our lives and future, rarely demand immediate action.

They require action to achieve them. But they don’t scream for our attention.

Most things that insist on our attention are ultimately less important; notifications, meetings, emails, social media, phone calls, messages, and the fires to put out.

These urgent things require our attention now.

If ignored, at least some of them will have consequences.

If we set aside or postpone the actions that would move us toward our dreams, changes, and goals, seldom are there immediate repercussions.

In this way, the urgent crowds out the important.

The urgent things, in varying degrees, are ever-present.

The idea that someday we will have more time is an illusion.

We will never “have the time” or “find the time.”

We must carve out the time for the things that matter most.

We must dedicate time for the important things and assign a specific time on our calendar.

Then we must set up barricades to prevent encroachment on that time.

Nothing happens that doesn’t happen at a point in time.

And there will likely never be a better time.

Our dreams and our future depend on it.

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