The Biggest Threat to the Future You Desire
Our dreams, the changes we want to make for our lives and future, rarely demand immediate action. They require action to achieve them. But they don’t scream for our attention. Most things that insist on our attention are ultimately less…
Read articleNetwork Letting You Down? Lessons from Joseph and the Wine Steward
Joseph lost his job. It’s actually much worse than that. When Joseph spurned the advances of his boss’s wife, she accused him of making advances toward her. When the boss heard her story, more than just firing Joseph, he had…
Read articleIn Transition? The Three Biggest Holiday Season Mistakes
If you are in transition, especially if it’s involuntary and involves a loss of income, the holiday season can seem like an inconvenience, an interruption in your search for the right opportunity. On the other hand, you may see it…
Read articleThe Magic of Meaningful Work
How does the saying go? “There’s a reason they call it work.“ Sometimes it’s easy to fall into thinking about work as a means to an end; necessary in order to support and provide for ourselves and the people we…
Read articleThe Four Stages of a Job Opportunity
Are you looking for a new opportunity? Or, maybe you’re not looking, but are you open to the right opportunity and aware that such opportunities often emerge when you least expect them? If you understand how opportunities develop, you have…
Read articleIs This the Year?
Is this the year? Is this the year you take more intentional steps toward things that are important to you? You know. The things you’ve wanted to do. The things you believe you should do. Of course, there’s work to…
Read articleJobseekers Becoming Their Parents.
You have likely seen the Progressive commercials featuring Dr. Rick working with new homeowners who are becoming their parents. Jobseekers can have a similar problem, especially if they have not been in a job search for a long time. Many…
Read articleThe Challenge of Passion, Purpose, and Calling.
Have you found your passion? Have you discovered your purpose? Have you heard and responded to your calling? If you have, consider yourself fortunate and blessed. Most people struggle with this. Each of these words can be exciting and have…
Read articleMessage in a Bottle
Randy Pausch, born October 23, 1960 (yesterday he would have been 62), was an American professor of computer science, human- computer interaction and design at Carnegie Mellon University. In August 2006, Pausch was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer. He pursued a…
Read articleImportant: Coach Your References!
“The idea behind every trick play is to have chaos rain down upon your opponents and stun them. Much like the lava did to those poor folks in Pompeii.” – Ted Lasso Ted Lasso knows. It’s hard to win without preparation…
Read articleFrustrations with Interviews (or with not getting them).
Richard’s eyes lit up when he saw the job posted. He couldn’t help but smile. He was perfect for the job. He just knew it. Once he completed the online application, he was sure it would only be a short…
Read articleBeing Marketable is Not the Same as Marketing Yourself
Being marketable has to do with things like education, certifications, experience and most importantly what you have accomplished in your career. It also includes things like a nice clean employment history, that shows progression and advancement and increased responsibility. It…
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