Personal Branding

Your skills and your brand

Do you have particular skills or training that distinguish you in your field and enable you to command premium compensation? In his ebook Personal Branding for Technology Professionals (don’t be fooled by the title, it applies to all of us),…

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Brand = performance + message

Think of your brand as performance (the quality and nature of your work) + message (communication about the quality, nature, and especially results of your work). Not everyone sees your work. The stronger and clearer your message, the easier word…

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Benefits of branding

In An Introduction to Personal Branding, William Arruda points to some of the benefits corporations derive from their brands. Strong brands enable them to: Charge a premium for their products and services. Ever think about why you’re paying so much…

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The new job security

The old idea of job security: who you work for. Get on with a good employer and you are set. They’ll take care of you. The new reality of job security: what you are known for. Develop a reputation within…

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