Most people don’t see it coming. The truth is, most people don’t want to see it coming. Though the signs are there, they don’t realize it until the sudden meeting with their boss and the HR representative. All along, hope against hope, they convince themselves it won’t happen to them. They are too valuable. They have done so much for the organization. How could it happen to them?
These things seldom make sense from the perspective of someone who has lost their job. Often there is a political element involved. And sometimes, it doesn’t seem rational from any perspective.
The worst thing you can do is stick your head in the sand and hope it won’t happen to you. Often there are signs, and the wise person will heed them and therefore be better prepared. None of the following signs in and of themselves indicate with certainty that you are losing your job. But it is wise to take note of them and consider the potential implications.
Here are some of the signs that you may be at risk of losing your job:
- Your boss is making less eye contact with you than usual.
- You suddenly find you have less face-to-face time with your boss.
- You are included in fewer meetings.
- You received a poor performance review.
- You have been told your skills or knowledge are outdated.
- Your workload or responsibilities have been reduced.
- Your co-workers know more about what’s going on than you do.
- Emails you send seem to have less importance.
- Your comments and suggestions are not considered.
- Cutbacks in your department have been more severe than others.
- Your company’s earnings or stock price have declined dramatically.
- Your employer has announced plans to outsource.
- Speculation about reductions is rampant.
If you see the above signs, take charge of your own career. Don’t put your head in the sand and be a victim. Now is the time to be proactive. Talk with your career coach. Begin exploring your options.