No. Who do you really work for?
Jim was the CFO for a well known university for 15 years. During that time three presidents had come and gone. Then came president #4. Jim had a good relationship with the previous presidents. But with this new president, the chemistry was off and they didn’t see eye to eye. It wasn’t long until Jim was out. He never saw it coming. Jim had bought into the idea that as long as his performance was good, he was secure. However, these things are not rational, they are relational. This is why most terminations happen after a change in leadership. Jim thought, “Presidents may come and go, but I am still here. I work for the University.” Jim was wrong. Jim had always worked for the president. That relationship had always been good until president #4.
The organization’s name may be on your direct deposit slip, but you are working for a person. As long as that person is benefiting from your ideas and productivity, and the relationship is good, your employment is relatively secure. If, due to a change in leadership or whatever, that relationship becomes strained, there is a good chance your time is short with that organization in spite of your stellar performance. Don’t be caught by surprise.
So, who do you work for?